Secret Shopper Service

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Secret Shopper Service


Secret Shoppers are hired by stores, financial institutions, restaurants, retail establishments, department stores, service providers, and other businesses in order to measure customer service, product quality, and the general environment of the aforementioned establishments. Their main responsibilities include making purchases and filing reports on their overall experiences. Secret Shoppers play an important role in meeting our clients’ expectations by acting discretely as ordinary customers while observing and determining various factors that may require improvement, as well as evaluating overall experience.


What to expect


Our secret shoppers:

  • Travel to different store locations when required

  • Find specific products as instructed or purchasing a random products

  • Take notes during the visit that will be later used for writing a report

  • Using caution and restraint when making purchases so as to not go over the budget established by the client

  • Keep their receipts

  • Follow the specific shopping instructions of the client

  • Interact with employees (e.g. Waiters, Salespersons, Cashiers, Bank Tellers, and Managers) of the establishment they’re assigned to visit

  • Ask questions about a product or service like a regular customer would

  • Evaluate the level of customer service provided by the employee, as well as their selling abilities

  • Make observations about the employees’ behavior and answers, in some cases, even learn their names and being able to describe them

  • Fill out a questionnaire and write a report about the visit and the service received, including all the details about their shopping experience

  • Filing or sending their finished reports via email or fax when required, along with the receipt of the purchase, if any
